Smart hubs: A quick reminder when choosing yours

by Judy Gibbons 03/06/2024

Featured image regarding smart home hubs

Choosing the right smart home devices can be insane, especially with so many on the market. And, while consolidating these devices with a smart home hub is a great way to stay on top of the smart devices already in your home, finding the best smart home hubs is a daunting task in itself.

Here are a few excellent ways to find the best smart home hub for your household.

Choose your smart hub based on your needs

Every homeowner's needs are different. Some have a slew of connected devices such as smart speakers, smart televisions and other entertainment devices hooked up to their hub and require a voice assistant with a specific set of features.

Likewise, another homeowner may have more basic needs such as security cameras, utility monitoring and help keeping up with the grocery list via smart fridge. They may only need a quick reminder from an app on their phone, and a quick tap of the finger without many add-ons.

When choosing your smart hubs, be sure to really analyze what's important to you. You'll also want to consider the security settings within each hub and what types of security settings sit best with your comfort of use.

Choosing to make your home a smart home doesn't have to be an alarming chore. Just take a little time to assess your needs and the features you'd like to have, and you're well on your way to a more convenient home lifestyle.

About the Author

Judy Gibbons

Judy Gibbons is a highly accomplished Realtor licensed in Illinois, Michigan, and Florida. With an impressive list of accolades and a wealth of experience, she has become a prominent figure in the Chicagoland real estate industry. Gibbons is also an American Dream TV host, showcasing local businesses and beautiful properties. 

As a global real estate advisor, Judy is known for her ability to seamlessly connect extraordinary homes with extraordinary lives. She possesses an extensive knowledge of the market, and is committed to providing world-class service to her clients. Gibbons can assist you whether it is  with luxury real estate transactions, investment properties, short term rentals, or helping first time buyer clients with tall heir real estate needs.

With over 20+ years of experience, give Judy a call today and discover the difference of working with a real estate advisor who is dedicated to helping you achieve your real estate dreams, wherever they may lead you.

Designations/Licenses: Certified Distressed Property Expert, Broker, GREEN 

Town Coverage: Chicago, Illinois, Arlington Heights, Illinois, Barrington, Illinois, North Barrington, Illinois